School Leaders' Message
2025 marks the 65th anniversary of our school’s founding. Over the many years of our history, Anderson Secondary School has produced many graduates whom we are proud of – not just due to their achievements, but more importantly, because of their contributions to society. Some continue to serve the school on our School Advisory Committee; some are in academia; some serve the country in government and statutory boards; some have set up, or work in, business enterprises that add value to our nation and even globally.
As School Leaders of ANDSS, when asked what success looks like for Andersonians, we always return to the fundamental building blocks of human society – good character and sound values. Mahatma Gandhi spoke about the danger of “knowledge without character”. Indeed, a highly intelligent and competent individual without a strong moral compass can unleash much harm on those around him. A humble individual with a deep sense of other-directed purpose and positive dispositions can, conversely, improve society, and/or influence many others to change society for the better. It is ultimately our hope that our Andersonians truly live out the values embodied by our emblem, the unassuming and useful bamboo, and use their strengths, talents and interests to serve others to make a difference for the greater good.
The theme of our 65th anniversary is “Warm Memories, Growing Together”. Just as the bamboo grows in colonies rather than individually, Andersonians lean on one another to grow together. Even as we hope to make an impact on larger society, we recognise that we too are an important community unto ourselves, and students can start making a difference by being kind and encouraging to one another. Through the multiple leadership opportunities we offer our students, we aim to develop them to look out for others as they refine and actualise their vision for their project group, class, and CCA. Cultivating empathy, the skill of perspective-taking, and curiosity about others, helps our students gain the respect of others and thrive as resilient learners. We are glad to have heard from members of public, other colleagues in the fraternity, and our students themselves about how Andersonians have shown heart for others, even during difficult or challenging times, thereby perpetuating a virtuous circle of positivity and graciousness.
As we celebrate together this year, we will affirm the warm memories that bind us together, and look ahead to the growth that is still to come for all our Andersonians.
With Constancy and Purpose,
ANDSS School Leaders
[Ms Tan Po Chin (Principal), Mr Eugene Lee (VP1), Mr Shahreen Aman (VP(A))]